Friday 12 April 2024

Mexico (Yucatan) & Belize

The beauty of the Caribbean sea / La beaute de la mer des carraibes 

English summary

 Resume en francais

Parque d'attraction / Amusement park (Tulum, Yucatan, Mexico)

Getting ready / Preparation

Cenote! (big hole or underground caves in Yucatan / grand trou ou caves sous-terraines dans le Yucatan)


Mexican sunset

Mexican Iguana

Cay Caulker 
An island like Jamaica (easy-going, smoking weed, etc) where golf carts are the only vehicle allowed.

Drone-view of the tip of the island / Vue du drone de la pointe de l'ile

Beach bar / bar de plage!

And the food is great! Except for DeeAnn / Et la nurriture est fantastique! A part pour DeeAnn

Snorkeling in the 2nd greatest reef in the world / Masque-Tuba dans la 2e plus grande barriere de corail du monde

Enorme raie manta / Giant manta ray

Shark and Ray / Requin et Raie

Feeding tiny fish / Donner a manger aux petits poissons