Saturday 13 April 2024

Guatemala & Salvador

Summary in English (split in 3 videos)

Resume en francais (separe en 3 videos)

Tikal (renovated site of Maya temples / Site de temples Maya renoves)

Maya museum in Guatemala city

Flores (town on an island near Tikal / un village sur une ile pres de Tikal)

Guatemala city zoo

Chicken bus 

Volcano Pacaya
On a mange des marshmallows et une pizza sur un volcan appele Pacaya / We ate marshmallows and pizza on the Pacaya volcano

Volcan Fuego
Le volcan vu d'en bas / The volcano seen from down

The way up took about 6 hours / la montee nous a pris 6 heures

Dans la poussiere volcanique / In the volcanic dust

Dans le camp ou nous avons dormi la nuit / In the camp where we slept overnight

Apres la descente, Keziah etait mort / After the way down, Keziah was dead

Antigua Guatemala - historical Spanish city / ville espagnole historique


Jesus pesait 3 tonnes et etait porte par 60 personnes (ils changent tous les 100m) de 8h a 22h /
Jesus weighed 3 tons and was carried by 60 people (they change every 100m) from 8am to 10pm

El Salvador - Small country near the pacific ocean / Petit pays a cote de l'ocean pacifique


Relaxing after/apres surfing

Excellente nourriture dans cette region! / Great food in this area!




Seafood / Fruits de mer


Melon / Cantaloupe