Tuesday 13 February 2024

Friday 9 February 2024

Rio !!!

We arrived in Rio and love it!! / On est arrive a Rio et on adore!!

En attendant le carnaval / While waiting for carnival............

We said hello to Jesus after 2 hours of walking up the mountain
On a dit bonjour a Jesus apres etre monte la montagne pendant 2 heures  

Before climbing / avant la montee

Pendant la montee / While climbing

After climbing / apres la montee

La decouverte fantastique d'une communaute unique / The amazing discovery of a unique commnunity! 

Capoeira in the favelas


Thursday 8 February 2024

North Argentina (Buenos Aires + Iguazu)


2000m3 per second of water/eau !!

We granted ourselves a nice gift! / On s'est offert un beau cadeau!

Buenos Aires

Cimetiere / Cemetary

Ballade dans les parcs

Manifestation contre le nouveau gouvernement / Demonstration against the new government

Une vraie raclette!